Powerbi.com authenticating oData on D365O

Working with one of the D365O MS Power BI content packs and modifying the URL where data is fetched, which happens to be on an Azure Virtual Machine (VM). Noticed that the OAuth2 authentication method (which is the one to use) was not available in the drop down list when the VM was down.

PowerBI oData authorization method

So – if the authentication does not work or does not show the option you expect, make sure D365O is up and running.

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Authenticating OData source on powerbi.com

Working on reports published to powerbi.com where the data comes through OData from Azure. Found that oAUth2 has to be used as credentials for each of the datasource on powerbi.com Also, for queries that depend on other queries – you may see that you need to fix the authentication of those before the child is resolved. For example below, you can see that the third from bottom has been fixed, but not the one below. As I proceed fixing the credentials for each one, eventually they will all be fixed.

OData Authentication

  1. Click on [Edit credentials]
  2. Select oAuth2 – and log in with the correct credentials.
  3. If it does not work – select the next one.

On the screen where you pick authentication method you can see the url of the datasource being configured:

OData authentication url

Click here to read MS documentation on this topic.